POR FESR 2014-2020, Axis 3. Action 3.3.4 D - Regional Council Resolution no. 1392 of 16 September 2020. ‘Call for the activation, development, consolidation of aggregations of SMEs for interventions on national and international markets that favour the recovery of tourism demand towards destinations and tourism products of the region in coherence with the coordinated image of the Veneto Region
‘Veneto, The Land of Venice’.
Notification of eligibility and eligibility for funding following the application. CUP: B69J21022260001
Notice is hereby given that, following the increase in the financial endowment adopted by Resolution of the Regional Council no. 1559 of 11/11/2021 of the amount put out to tender for the action indicated in the subject, the application for support ID 10357084, submitted by the Lead Partner in address, aimed at obtaining the benefits provided for by Resolution no. 1392/2020, for the support to the competitiveness of enterprises in tourist destinations, through interventions for the qualification of the offer and product/service, strategic and organisational innovation, has been deemed eligible and recognised as eligible for a contribution of € 551,794.05, out of an eligible expenditure of € 732,211.31.
Contribution expenses:
EffettoNIDO S.r.l.:); 31,133.00 --- 4.18( fourvirgolad eighteen)
D.A.V. di Lorenzo Donadel & C. S.a.s.: € 20,000.00 --- 2.68 ( twovirgolasessantotto)
Hotel Al Caminetto S.a.s. di Consolini Giacomo & C.: € 10,000.00 --- 1.34% onevirgolat thirty-four)
Hotel Sole S.a.s. di Bonetti Corrado & C.: € 24800.00 --- 3.33% (three virgolat thirty-three)
Key S.r.l.: € 10,000.00 --- 1.34% ( one point thirty-four)
Ca' del Lago S.r.l.: € 9400.00 --- 1.26% ( onevirglaventisei)
Milò Hospitality S.r.l.: € 9,500.00 --- 1.27% ( onevirgolaventisette)
Belfiore M & M S.r.l.: € 10,000.00 --- 1.34% ( one point thirty-four)
Bertuzzi Claudio: € 10,000.00 --- 1.34% ( one point three three-four)
Consorzio Turistico Vivere il Grappa: €194,866.43 --- 26.13% ( twenty-six-twenty-six point thirteen)
Consorzio Città d'arte e Ville venete il Giardino di Venezia: €150,000.00 --- 20.12% ( twenty-nine point twelve)
Zico - Cooperative social enterprise: € 160,000.00 --- 21.46% (twenty-one point forty-six)
Cantina del Castello S.r.l.: € 15,000.00 --- 2.01% two hundred and ninety-one
Azienda Vinicola Farina S.r.l.: € 6000.00 --- 0.80% ( zero point eight)
Fongaro Società Agricola s.s.: € 15,000.00 --- 2.01% ( twovirgolazerouno)
Fontanara S.r.l.: € 15,000.00 --- 2.01% ( two point zero zero zero one)
Tommasoli Visual Factory di Tommasoli Filippo: € 15.000,00 --- 2.01% ( two virgolazerouno)
Es' S.r.l.: € 25,000.00 --- 3.35% ( trevirgolatrentacinque)
Garda Experience S.r.l.: € 15.000,00 --- 2.01% (twovirgolazerouno)